Do blondes have more fun?
Not this blonde!
Let me tell you a little story about my hair!
My hair has been every color of the hair rainbow. My naturally brunette hair has been light brown, dark brown and cherry bomb red, however, most of the time my hair is highlighted (or as some people like to say-"frosted"-you know who you are).
Most recently, I had decided to step it up a notch and take my highlighted blond hair, all the way blond! A bleach blonde Bombshell! No more stripey highlights, no more multi -tonal hair, just one beautiful blond color.
I love changing the color of my hair! It is the quickest way to a makeover and a brand new look!
So I should have known better when I showed up to my guy's salon (who has been doing my hair for the past 10 years) and he did not remember the convo we had about going completely blond.
**I believe it was Oprah who always says to trust your gut**
I decided to do it regardless because I have trusted my guy with my hair for the past decade. He has studied under Louis Licari-the King of the Blondes! So really what could go wrong?
My guy asked "what color blond would you like to be?" I replied " I don't want to look like an over processed housewife, I don't want to be yellow and I don't want to be platinum-I want a nice baby blond."
Soooo-ok, that probably wasn't the best description I could have given. A picture of what I wanted probably would've worked better but like I said before-a DECADE together! It would've been the same if honeybun's had asked me what I would like to eat and I responded "I don't want salty and I don't want cold." He should know exactly what I am talking about!
I thought my guy did too when he responded "ok-Baby Blond-like a nice beigey blond?" Exactly! Like a beautiful field of wheat!
So he set the plan in motion. Now for those of you who have never had their hair bleached before-it is laborious! First you have to strip all the natural pigment from your hair and then you have to apply the color/tone you want. To make it more difficult, because I had already existing highlights, you have to work around those so as not to damage the hair.
He was very excited about the products he chose raving about the gentle bleach and the blond color he picked as it is the same color he uses when he goes blond. I was very excited. When he took the towel off of my head after rinsing the color out-I couldn't believe my eyes! My hair was not the baby beigy bombshell blond I had been anticipating-it was fluorescent yellowy coppery weird blond! I have never seen a baby with this punk rock color I now had on my head!
So when he looked at me and asked how I liked it, I said the only words that would come out of my mouth:
"I love it!"
Now before you judge me, keep in mind, at this point I was delirious. I had been there for about 4 hours, being bleached and rinsed and conditioned and colored and I was starving. I was also in complete shock of the Blondness of it all! I thought "well-I just made a drastic change to my hair, I will need some time to get used to this"'. After a quick haircut and everyone in the salon complimenting me on my new color (liars), I left.
The shock of what my hair looked like in the salon was nothing compared to what it looked like in the sunlight.
I don't even know how I made it home because I spent the whole ride staring at myself in disbelief in the rear view mirror. I looked like I was wearing a fluorescent banana yellow wig!
So after I got home and stuffed my face-and continued staring at myself some more, trying to figure out who the f**k was looking back at me, I decided I couldn't live with myself with this hair color. (Have I mentioned that I am leaving for Italy in mere days?)
So here I am, less than a week later with my hair restored to a more manageable color. It is still not exactly what I wanted but much better than what I had. I can now stop wearing baseball caps and avoiding human contact.
I think I may be the only person ever, to have her hair bleached a darker shade of blond than what she started with!
So to get back to my original question-do blondes have more fun? Well I don't know because I really didn't get a chance to test out that theory. I will say they definitely get more attention. Like a shiny object-they just get noticed more!
So Ladies! (and some Gents), the moral of this story is, if you are making a drastic change in your hair:
A-BRING A PHOTO OF WHAT YOU WANT! I broke my first rule! As well as bringing a photo, please be very specific in what you want (and don't want). Make 100% sure you are on the same page.
B-Make sure you are well fed and well hydrated! No drastic decisions on an empty stomach!
C-Speak up if you are not happy! I should have voiced my concern while I was still at the salon.
I hope this story will save someone else the time and energy I spent on my hair this week!
Happy Bleaching!
PS-True Fact:
Blond vs Blonde
Blond refers to the color blond, be it hair or wood or whatever. Blonde refers to a women with blond hair!
Blond! |
RED! |