Monday, August 8, 2011

All About Me!

Over the weekend, someone asked me how Little Goddess Cosmetics came to be and I realized that many of you may not know my story. So here it is......

Once upon a time many, many, (many) years ago, my love of makeup led me to Elizabeth Arden. However, at my very young and very uninformed age, I decided that makeup was not going to allow me the financially rich life that I wanted. So off I went to start my very non lucrative career on Wall St.

The financial industry had been, at the time, the family business. My mother, Lucille, had worked on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange for many years and had a pretty successful career. I felt the NYSE would provide the stable, rewarding career I had wanted. So there I stayed for 15 years. Although my Wall St career was stable, it was definitely not rewarding.

What price did Nokia close at yesterday? Who cares! Did you see the new lip gloss MAC just released?! Can you please tell me if there are any buyers in BP? Sure! and then let me tell you in extreme detail about the eyeshadow quad I just bought from Chanel! Read the financial times? Blech-I would've rather been reading Allure!

**Those were not actually responses-just what I was thinking in my head!**

In 2007, I was laid off from my Wall St job. Although I loved my time on Wall St-I made many friends, learned a lot and was able to be a part of something that was so big and very exciting, I decided I would never again do something that I didn't absolutely love and Little Goddess Cosmetics was born!

**The name Little Goddess is one of honeybun's many nicknames for me!**

So in a nutshell, I am a makeup loving, beauty addicted, platform wearing, hair dying, foodie chef in my head, music loving, eyeliner baby!

My message to you all is to follow your passion-no matter when in life it may strike you! Don't be afraid to fail! Most successful people do fail at one point or another but that is because they take the risk!!
Follow your path!
Good Luck!

**an eyeliner baby is someone who is born to wear eyeliner!**

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