Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Small Rant Courtesy of Moi

There is a phrase used in the world of makeup artist that I am on a one woman campaign to get rid of! 

When a makeup artist is going to apply someone's makeup, he/she may say "I'm gonna beat that face." I tried to find the origin of this gem (I suspect a drag queen had something to do with it) but this is all I came up with according to Urban Dictionary:

Beat Your Face
When a Make Up Artist Goes to Work on Someone's Face. Making them go From Plain Jane to Diva

Basically, the term make-up artist uses to say I'm going to put make-up on your face.

Client: My face needs some make-up

MUA: Let me Beat your face

So yeah, beating someone's face, a term that conjures up images of hate and violence is used to describe making someone feel beautiful, something that I find so generous and giving. I once had someone tell me I made her feel like a princess, why would I want to describe giving that feeling to someone as beating her face? I don't want to beat anyone's face, quite the opposite, I want to treat it kindly and gently.
Now I know that it's a very tongue in cheek term and meant in a very joking way, so please don't complain to me that I don't get it. I get it, I just don't like it and you won't catch this girl using that term ever!

Now who's with me? 

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