Friday, February 5, 2010

Dr. Oz's Show: How your Cosmetics are Killing you. A Rebuttal

I feel that I should respond to Dr. Oz's show on Wednesday about how your cosmetics are killing you.

Although he made some very valid points; I feel the products he singled out, and the reason's he reported were unfair and a little far-fetched. I feel his producers were reaching a little too much in order to make a controversial show.

The 1st Culprit - Mineral Powder Foundation. The reason? Because if you inhale it, it can cause lung damage. This is all well and good, however Dr. Oz then showed how this happens and proceeded to churn up the powder with a brush until there was a big cloud of mineral foundation floating in the air. I am sorry but when I apply mineral foundation to myself or anybody else, there is never a cloud of powder enveloping us. He then said that when construction workers work with concrete, which has minerals in it, they wear masks and don't see the damage for 20-30 years. Really? Are you really comparing the 30 seconds it takes to apply mineral foundation to breaking up concrete all day long? Yes, it is true you should not huff your mineral foundation but there are plenty of products that are inhaled daily that probably aren't good for you. What about hairspray or spray tans? I bet a lung full of either is not good at all!

The 2nd Culprit: Anti-wrinkle Creme - The reason? The speed with which it enters your system through the skin. Understandable, but why anti-wrinkle creme? What about body lotion, self tanner, sunscreen, deodorant, etc.? There are a plethora of products that we apply to our bodies everyday that come in contact with our skin and I'm sure they all contain ingredients that we would not want absorbed into our bodies.

The 3rd & Last Culprit - Petroleum Jelly. I am going to write a separate post about petroleum jelly as there has been a lot of grumblings about it and I would like to research it more. I have been slathering Vaseline on my lips since birth, however Dr. Oz's statement that "putting Vaseline on your lips is the same as drinking gasoline" is a bit unbelievable for me. I would like to pour some Vaseline into his gas tank and see how that works for him.

So basically, you must do your research and find what you are comfortable with. Not all products are good for you -"natural" or not and a lot of terms-like "natural"-are not monitored by the FDA, so therefore they mean nothing and are a marketing ploy. With that said, I feel like Dr. Oz unfairly targeted some products that do not deserve to be singled out and I wanted to present the other side of the coin. I hope I helped provide a different view.

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