Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Skin

So this is what's going on with my skin.

I have relatively good skin but suffer from breakouts. I feel as I am getting older, it has gotten worse. The first half of this year, my skin was a bit out of control. I am not sure if it was because of stress, hormones or a product I was using but it was constant and in my opinion, ridiculous. I am well past the age of constant breakouts. So in the middle of June, I decided to get real help and visit a dermatologist. I had also become curious about Retin-A. 

So off to the derm I go! After a thorough, up close and personal examination of my skin, she announces:

Your acne is quite unusual. 

Apparently, teenagers and adults break out differently. Teenagers usually breakout on the upper part of their face (forehead, cheeks, nose), while adults have their blemishes on the lower part of the face (mouth, chin, neck). She was perplexed by the teenage breakout I was having and found it interesting. However, that makes absolutely perfect sense to me, as I believe in my head that I am still a teenager and I act accordingly. Could I have possibly tricked my skin into believing it as well? I believe so! Now I will have to work on tricking the rest of my body.OK, back to the subject. 

The diagnosis was Adult (teenage) Acne and the prescription is Retin-A and a topical antibiotic. 

Two months in and so far so good. I am going to do a separate post on the Retin-A as that is a long term process and besides being a blemish annihilator, it is also the best (some say the only besides sun protection) anti-ager in existence. I also want to tell you about the other changes I have made to my skincare routine. There is definitely a difference in my skin and so far I am very pleased.

Anyone have any Retin-A experiences? Please share!

Until next time~

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